How To Effectively Treat Receding Gums
Get Dentures That Fit Properly

Another important aspect of treating receding gums is to get dentures that fit properly. Improperly fitting dentures can contribute to discomfort, pain, and premature receding of the gums. Over twenty million Americans currently have dentures. The shape of the mouth and gums will change slightly as individuals age, so they need to get regular dental checkups and make sure their dentures still fit. If individuals notice their dentures have become damaged, they should get them repaired or replaced rather than continuing to wear them. Difficulty with chewing is also a primary sign their dentures don't fit properly. If patients feel like their dentures are sliding around their mouth while they chew or talk, they need a fitting adjustment. Dentures also play a role in making the jaw look straight and cheeks look full. If individuals notice the shape of their face has a change in appearance, their dentures might need an adjustment. The same is true if the pressure is causing sores on the inside of their mouth.