How To Effectively Treat Receding Gums

Stop Smoking and Chewing Tobacco

Tobacco. Photo Credit: OhSoAmelia @Ohz

Smoking and chewing tobacco are both habits that can contribute to gum disease and receding gums. They also have several other health dangers. Smoking greatly increases an individual's chances of lung cancer and chronic lung disease, while chewing tobacco can increase their chances of developing mouth cancer. If individuals stop chewing tobacco and smoking, they can reduce their risk of developing gum disease. If individuals already have gum disease, they can keep the condition from getting worse. Dentists will be able to detect many different tobacco-related conditions when doing a dental examination. One is smoker's melanosis, which occurs when there is a darkening of the pigments of the gums. This occurs when the gums become irritated from prolonged exposure to smoke. Periodontal disease including receding gums is common, and continuing to smoke after diagnosis may make your treatment less effective. Smokers who have receding gums are more likely to suffer tooth loss than nonsmokers with receding gums. Over half of the reported cases of advanced gum disease are linked to tobacco usage.

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