Key Symptoms Of Varicose Eczema To Watch For
Venous Ulcers
Venous ulcers are one of the most painful potential effects of varicose eczema. They typically require treatment by a doctor, such as a primary doctor or dermatologist. While ulcers can occur anywhere, venous ulcers mostly develop on the legs. They often accompany varicose veins and are caused by issues with blood circulation in the legs. Typically, when individuals suffer a scrape or cut, the body uses its healing process to close the wound, and as time goes by, the wound heals. With ulcers, this isn't the case, and they can go on and continue being painful until they're treated by a professional. Most venous ulcers are found on or around the ankles. The majority are caused by damage to valves that regulate blood pressure in the leg veins. If an individual's blood pressure doesn't fall as they walk, it causes sustained hypertension in the legs, which leads to ulcer formation.