What To Avoid Saying To Someone Who Is Losing Weight
When a person decides to lose weight, it is tempting for those around them to talk about it. Most times they have good intentions, desiring to praise their friend for their achievement and talk about how good they look. It may come as a surprise, by many compliments and statements one might think to say can be more harmful than helpful for those trying to lose weight. Those on a journey to lose weight often do not want it to be the focus of attention. Others prefer to skip the subject amongst their loved ones entirely. Here are five things that should never be said to someone trying to lose weight.
"How Much More Do You Have to Lose?"

Although it may seem like an innocent question, in fact, it suggests that that person's current weight should not be the one for them to settle with. People lose weight for various reasons, including health-related ones. A person might want to lose enough just so they have a healthy weight to their kind of body, and suggesting that this is not sufficient is offensive and might make this person conscious of their appearance. Unless the individual who is losing weight decides to bring this up, is better to leave it alone. As curious as someone may be, the fact is that this is none of their business, so perhaps they should just be patient and wait until they can see the final result.
Do Not Critique Their Food Choice

Everyone has a different diet. Some people cut most unhealthy fats, sugar, processed food, etc. but others prefer to find a balance, allowing themselves to indulge in something they like now and then. These people may be already insecure about eating something considered unhealthy in front of others when everyone knows that they are losing weight, so comment on it will only make them anxious about it, and perhaps inspire an unhealthy relationship with food. Unless someone has asked others to help them avoid certain kinds of food, is always better to let them make their own choices. If their diet plan has been created along with a nutritionist, it is likely that indulging things will be fitted in now and then, so never say something that may make them feel unsure about it.
Do Not Compare

People tend to say it without thinking, but the words "you already look so much better than before", often escape. Saying that they look better than before may do more harm than good. The chances are that the person losing weight is already doing so inside their own mind, so being aware that others are doing the same will most likely make them feel insecure. If this person wants someone else's opinion, they will probably ask, therefore given unrequested opinions is not only unhelpful but it is also rude. If it is thought that they look better than before, it is much better to give a general compliment regarding their outfit or disposition, keeping the risky subjects out of it.
Do Not Discourage

Most people struggle with diets and weight loss. A significant change in someone's lifestyle can be hard to keep up with, so it does not come as a surprise when people give it up. Losing weight is a huge lifestyle change; it often involves a routine of exercises along with a balanced diet. It can be a lot to get used to, so when someone says to a person who is losing weight that they will gain it all back, they are discouraged to keep going. Perhaps they will gain the weight back, and maybe it will happen a few times until they are able to stick to a routine to maintain their weight, but considering how hard it may already be, saying things that make it more difficult is the least helpful thing that someone could do.
"You Look Fantastic"

As good as someone's intentions may be when saying that someone else looks good, it can also be quite dangerous to do so. Although some people are - or at least seem to be - happy when they hear that they look good after losing weight, most of them will question how bad it was before since everyone appears to prefer them as they look now. Doing so could trigger an eating disorder out of fear of gaining weight. Those who went through a weight loss process can still receive compliments; there are many things that people say to each other every day to make them feel good, which is how it should be. If the weight subject is left out, there are many other things to be noticed, such as someone's hair, outfit, smile, glow, mood, and so on.