Evaluating The Potato Diet
As long as they're not fried or cover in things like melted cheese, potatoes are one of the most inexpensive and delicious sources of nutrition. Some have taken their love for potatoes to what might seem like an extreme: a diet consisting solely of potatoes. While some swear by it as a way to shed pounds quickly, others see it as a fad diet that's impractical even if it's only followed for a short amount of time. Evaluating the potato diet will help determine whether or not it's something individuals should consider pursuing. Before filling a grocery basket with potatoes, look over the ins and outs of the potato diet.
Basic Overview Of The Potato Diet

The potato diet consists of eating potatoes, only potatoes. This means they need to be unadulterated, free of things like sour cream or butter that might make an individual's mouth water but take away from the nutrition of the potatoes. One of the best parts about the potato diet is it's almost impossible to not understand, though it might be difficult to follow. If something is a potato, it is not allowed. However, eating only potatoes means individuals need to make sure they can accept they will have to put flavor on hold for a bit as they work through the potato diet. Even if an individual enjoys the taste of potatoes, most will likely agree they don't exactly have the most electrifying flavor profile.
Diet Rules And Guidelines

The potato diet is not a permanent lifestyle change. It only lasts for three to five days and requires one to be as intentional as possible. Some versions of the diet only permit white potatoes, but others allow additional varieties like red potatoes, russet potatoes, and even sweet potatoes. Typically, individuals must consume between two to five pounds of potatoes every day while on the diet. Individuals also need to stay away from adding things like condiments to them. Some say salt is okay, but it needs to be done in moderation, as making the sodium levels of the potatoes too high could negate some of the health benefits most individuals on this diet are hoping to achieve.
On the potato diet, individuals are only allowed to drink water, black coffee, or tea without any additions like milk or honey. Most who follow the diet are told to stick to walking and light exercise. Medications and supplements prescribed by a physician are allowed.
Health Benefits Of The Diet

Individuals who want to knock off a few pounds fast may find the potato diet quite helpful. It doesn't require any serious wealth or living conditions to gain access to potatoes. The health benefits of the diet come from how potatoes are low in calories and rich with nutrients, from vitamin B6, vitamin C, to potassium (as long as individuals are sure to eat the skin). Individuals can also get plenty of nutritious fiber through this diet. When it comes time for them to transition to a balanced diet, individuals can find ways to incorporate potatoes into other healthy dishes to give themselves a great dosage of nutrition.
Risks Of The Diet

One of the main problems with the potato diet is it provides only a short-term fix for issues that may have been developing for quite some time. So, if individuals need to lose weight, a diet of potatoes for a little under week can help in a pinch, but if they're serious about getting healthy, they need to be committed to making changes for good. Otherwise, they'll likely be back to where they started once the potato diet has ended. Other risks of the diet come from how potatoes can only provide individuals with so much nutrition. Individuals following the diet will lose access to important things like protein and calcium. Restrictive eating plans such as the potato diet can lead to serious nutritional deficiencies and can lead to stress from putting unreasonable expectations on themselves.
Final Verdict On The Potato Diet

The potato diet has quite a few benefits, from being an easy way to lose weight fast to it being affordable. However, individuals need to know it does not cover all the bases needed for adequate long-term nutrition and the bodily changes it makes possible might only last a short amount of time. The potato diet can serve as a useful means of teaching individuals about nutrition and helping them better understand how what they eat affects their body. For long-term and healthy weight loss, individuals are better off consulting a nutritionist or dietitian who can better evaluate their precise needs and determine the appropriate dietary changes for them. Of course, including potatoes in one's diet works for most individuals. They are just not something individuals should solely rely on for an extended period.